Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Well the earth moved and the mountains shook and when the dust settled the 2 FFLA doormats (Las Vagas & Champaign) came off the floor and posted their first victories of the year. This was doubly impressive as the both upended first place teams. It indeed looks like this will be a marathon season and not a sprint! There was also a game of comeuppance, a heart breaker, and a no-luck Johnnie to round out the weekend. Who knows what's in store for week 5.

Tempe vs. Boston ( line Beavers by 1)

"OH WALLY!! " That was the cry heard coming from the Boston metro area, as the Beavers were knocked up and out of first place after a good "licking" from the Heat. After weeks of trash talking from the Beavers-especially by their GM about how "shitty" their team was, the Heat clearly had this game circled and really pounded that Beaver into submission (is there really any other way to pound a Beaver?) on Monday night for the easy victory, and remain in First place in the Western Conference. The braintrust behind the Beavers, GM Matt Beavers, attempted to implement a new strategy this week against the Heat as he started players that are not even on his roster. Asked to comment on this Commish Soukup stated that while this tactic would not be allowed this year, he would certainly look into adding this new "wrinkle" for next year adding, "That sure would make the 2009 season interesting, not to mention we could elminate the need for a draft!" Shortly after this interview, Commish Soukup issued a league memo to all FFLA teams instructing them to disregard the latest free agent contract offered by the Beavers to Carlos Zambrano. Key players for the Heat included Terrell Suggs and Troy Palomalu (9 & 10 pts) as the Heat were forced to play without star RB Brian Westbrook.
Among the poor performers for the Beavers were Philip Rivers with 6 points and Reggie Bush who only scored 2 pts, which is 2 more than I scored and I don't even play!
In the process the Beavers should be congratulated for setting a new LOW in FFLA scoring, topping, or should I say bottoming their previous week 1 low of 79 pts and scoring an abysmal 66 pts this week.
Stay tuned this week as the Beavers look to get back in the victory column by starting a lineup that includes Sonny Jurgenson, Michael Phelps and Tim Tebow (you go Matt!)

The only question is will the Beavers get swollen and pounded as they give it up so easily? Or will they be able to "snatch" a victory in week 5?

Champaign vs. Compton (line Burger Kings by 1)

All hail the heartbreaker. How do you have the top 2 individual scores of the week (Coles 25 & Johnson 21) rack up 121 points and still lose by ONE point??? Shit don't ask me ask Chuck. The Kings 2 losses have come by 1 and 3 points. Alltogether now..... AAWWWWW. But hey enough about about Chuck. How about the splended job by the Toast. Even without any TE points this well balanced scoring attack featured 7 pts or above by every one on the defensive side of the ball, getting 13 and 16 pts from Cole and Wilson. Just missing the all time scoring record set by the Heat in week 2 the 122 pts show the Toast are anything but. So much for penciling in that easy win boys. You better hunker-down when your facing the Toast. As for the Kings, this surely is an abboration as they have only scored in the 80's except this week-great news for the Monkey Butts! It looks like its back in the 80's for the Kings! Did anyone say Boyz in the Hood? Don't get all misty-eyed Toast you will have an angry bunch of Bunnies on your hands next, and you'll need to start "stacking wins". Can anyone possibly contend if they fall to 1-4 ??

Monee vs. Carson City (line Monee by 5)

After their victory this week the Monkey Butts are all alone in first place atop the Eastern Conference. But their victory started a lot earlier than Sunday my friends. You see the Monkey Butts GM the "Matt Millenesque" Mike Haug decided that to ensure victory Sunday the Butts needed to bolster the all important position of TE and with the speed and cunning of an Andy McPhail, he got his man Donald Lee GB. And the rest as they say is history-yes sir, mark it down the week 4 victory (in more ways than one) could be the catalyst for a Championship in the BUTT-I mean a chamnpionship FOR the Butts. With a rather pedestrian like 89 points, GM Haug is proof that the FFLA gives equal opputunity to the mentally retarded as the Monkey Butts were somehow able to spread the ball around offensively without having a starting QB, in fact me and Carson Palmer were having quite the time "chatting up the ladies" on Sunday afternoon, since he wasn't doing anything anyway.
Well its a good thing the Bunnies GM is on the ball, I mean with the great Peyton Manning on a bye week, at least he has Matt Schaub to step right in and have a monster ga....what, oops you mean he didn't....Ed-who?? he played Edwards?? no your joking. I mean he wins easily with Schaub. Oh, well you know the story! Hey Eddie D. There's a reason they lost 4 Super Bowls in a row. And that was with a QB. Now you want to hang your hat on a Bills QB?? Geesh! What's next a bidding war for Tavaris Jackson? With a poor defensive showing this week, it looks like the Bunnies will concentrate there. Thank God the Colts are playing again!

Cal City Gilas vs. Las Vegas (line Gilas by 13)

Now for the Hard-luck Johnnie. Any seasoned bettor knew that was WAY too much wood to lay with the Gilas on the road. Apparantly so did the previously winless Nuggets. The Gilas averaging over 100 pts a game with their high powered team-yet they are only a .500 team, slipping out of first place at the hands of the last place Nuggets. You have to figure that it will not be your day when the 'ol goat Edjerrin James rolls up 17 points. With Romo's 18 and Jennings 19 it proved to be too much for the Monsters, Despite having 5 players in double figures, it's back to the drawing board in search of that elusive winning lineup. But hey, when you get nothing from 2 players and 1 pt from another, your going to have a tough road to hoe. Speaking of tough, the Gilas have the Heat this week and better get things corrected fast, or a first to worst will be the result. The Nuggets finally getting some scoring as they surpassed the century mark for the first time. feels pretty good doesn't it. Can't pull off mid 80's and expect to compete in the FFLA. I don't have to tell that to DOS, I mean the Nuggets are so loaded they even took a flyer on Kitna! So tell me again how does a roster of Romo, Fitzgerald, Gould, Peppers only have 1 win? Well things are definitely looking up in the desert for the Nuggets.......the Beavers are coming to town!!

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