Thursday, November 27, 2008



Welcome to the LenDale White Thanksgiving Day Special. Mr. White recently spouted off to the media about his lack of playing time during last weeks game. Well guess what folks, he's not done spouting off and has a special message for all team owners.

These 2 Bitter Rivals face each other one more time. The Bevers better bring a bucket of rabbits feet for this one because he's gonna need a lot of luck on his side to take down the Burger Kings who refuse to call it quits. The Burger Kings are taking their much improved team to Boston and won't be sitting down to have a tea party either. Matt recently posted a 122 points on the board against the Las Vegas Nuggets. If Randy Moss and Matt Forte continue putting up big numbers he could be tough to beat. However, the Kings have LenDale White going on Thanksgiving and he's facing the Detroit Lions who have the worst rush defense in the league. LenDale White recently spoke out saying, "I plan on giving the Bevers a Thanksgiving Punch In The Mouth." Matt Bevers recently prank called Chuck at work pretending to be a girl. After hearing about that, LenDale White responded with, "I ain't got no problem puching a girl in the mouth! Happy Thanksgiving motherf%*@er!"
BURGER KINGS win by anywhere between 20 to 60 points.

The Toast still rank at the top of the power rankings and is still in 3rd place in the Eastern Conference. Why you ask? Maybe it has something to do with the Coach who is also the Team Owner? If the Toast don't make the playoffs with the talent they have this season, Don might need to hire an expert to handle the coaching aspects of the game. You can have the most talented team, but if you don't have a great motivator, you won't win. The Heat continue to stay in 2nd place but are facing a very talented team who put up 126 points last week. Can they outscore the highest scorer in the league? The Heat need to stay one game ahead of the Kings because the Kings hold the tie breaker to make the playoffs. Last week the Heat put up 94 points without Kurt Warner or Cutler at the helm. On a side note: the team owner of the Toast sent a video email making fun of the Burger Kings. LenDale White responded by saying, "Open wide for my Toasted Knuckle Sandwich Bitch!"
TOAST by 15pts

Las Vegas has nothing to play for after being mathmatically eliminated from the playoffs. The Bunnies hold the top spot in the Western Conference with a 6-6 record. He must keep winning because the Heat and Burger Kings are on his tail. Vegas is the 4th power ranked team and Bunnies are 3rd. Last week Michael Turner put up 31 points towards the teams total 97 in the loss to the powerful Gila Monsters. The Bunnies put up 72 points on offense and are currently rank #1 in offensive power ranking. The Bunnies are going to be tough to stop. The Bunnies recently made a jab at the Burger Kings and the Bevers by saying, "Teams with team owners from Metra all suck!" LenDale White from the Burger Kings responded with, "Don't make me Punch a Bunnie in the mouth on Thanksgiving!"

The Gilas are facing a team that has nothing to play for and the Gilas are still looking unstoppable. The Gilas currently hold the best regular season record at 9-3. The Monkey Butts once held the top spot for a few weeks but the team has faded in recent weeks due to starting roster issues. However, the Monkey Butts should not be overlooked with such talent as Adrian Peterson and Marion Barber. The Gilas are currently #2 in the power rankings and keep rolling past teams week after week. The Monkey Butts and Gilas haven't made negative attacks against the Kings but LenDale White spoke out to both teams saying, "You guys should give Thanks that I'm not punching you in the mouth."
GILAS by 8

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