Friday, October 30, 2009

Mid Year Review

The season is past the halfway point now and teams are starting to come into form. The 2nd half of the season will be focused on playoff battles, fine tuning trouble spots, and for some, preparing for next year. But for now, let’s review how the teams did in the first half.
The report cards are based on a scientific formula ranking each team against the others in the league by position, record and power/luck rankings. Since not all positions and stats are considered as important as other in fantasy football, a weighting system was also incorporated to balance things out. As stated, these grades were calculated based on complex mathematical equations, not subjective opinions, so if you don’t like them, then come up with your own formula.

Champaign Toast: A
The Toast boast the best linebacker and cornerback cores in the league to justify their #1 ranked defense. They have the best record at the halfway point, along with reclaiming the top spot in the power rankings in week 7. They do appear a bit weak at running back and safety, but overall are clearly the top team in the league.

Mount Savage Sasquatch: B+
The defending champs have slipped a bit from last year after the quick start they had to this season, but are still doing well enough to be considered the 2nd best team in the league. They are near the top in the traditional fantasy football power positions (QB/RB/WR) and are 3rd in the power rankings. However, their defense has eroded considerably from last year and their kicking game and tight end play have been weak thus far, dragging them down.

Jacksonville Meth Addicts: B
It’s hard to believe a last place team could be the 3rd best team in the league, but their #2 power ranking coupled with the worst luck in the league explains this discrepancy. They currently have one of the best running games, and are near the top at the safety position. Only trouble on special teams and their unfortunate record prevented them from getting a higher grade.

Birmingham Baconators: B
After a very strong start to the year they’ve cooled off a bit, but still rank near the top in Kicking, D-line, running back and tight end production. They have the #2 defense in the league, however, their weakness at this point is coming from their QB and WR positions. They are dead last in quarterback production, which has hurt their offensive power rankings and may have cost them a few wins. They are still tied for the 2nd best record in the league and easily are in the upper half of the league.

Carson City Bunnies: B-
Carson City may be middle of the pack here, but they are the best ranked team in the Western Conference. They currently own the #1 quarterback, D-line and safety group in the league and their wide receivers are near the top. The weakness at this point is their linebacker core (due in part to the loss of Urlacher) and special teams units are both last in the league. These extremes even out to be right near the middle of the grade curve.

Compton Burger Kings: B-
The fact that they play in the West may be helping their ranking here. Their team has excelled at the kicker, linebacker, and punter positions, but may have partly gotten the record they have with a bit of luck, since they are right now at the top of the Clover meter. Quarterback and defensive line have been a disappointment this year, which makes their preseason trade with the Sasquatch (DL-Peppers for QB-Ryan) seem like a bust for them. Their running back carousel has only produced middle of the pack numbers so far.

San Diego Heat: C
Despite having the worst record in the league, their team does not appear to be in all that bad of shape. They currently rank above three other teams in the power rankings and have the 2nd best linebacking crew in the league. They’ve been a bit short on luck so far, as they are 3rd from the bottom on the clover meter, and they’ll need to step up play at a few positions, most notably tight end where they rank last.

Las Vegas Nuggets: C
Running back has been a bit of an issue so far this year, and their big contract defensive line has to this point let them down. They are currently 2nd from the bottom in the power rankings, but have managed to keep the boat afloat better than they did last year. Part of their limited success has been due to the wide receiver and tight end positions, which they currently rank first. They’ve also managed to do a bit better on defense this year, with high production coming from their secondary.

Portland Predators: C-
Portland is second worst only to Jacksonville in luck so far, but unlike the Meth Addicts they’ve paired that with the worst power ranking in the league. Also unlike Jacksonville, they have managed to pick their spots and have a better record, even leading the conference at one point. But trouble has caught up with them as they are last in safety and wide receiver production and have the 2nd worst linebackers in the league.

Boston Beavers: D
The luck all ran out this year as the Beavers are calculated to be the worst team in the league. Coming in last in cornerback production and 2nd to last in running back and safety production, along with the worst record in the conference has tumbled the team all the way down to the basement. They shouldn’t consider the season a total loss though, because due to their savvy signing of Shane Lechler, they hold the top spot in Punter production.

*Detail on these mid-season grades will be found on the 2nd tab of the Power Ranking file after Week 8’s Power Ranking update